The 2014 film project saw many of the same elements that came before, but of course with some new items mixed in. Most notably were the sound effects. Along with earnable points in the form of actions, physical actions the actors must do on screen, and quotes (presidential quotes this time), teams were tasked to find clever ways to add provided sound effects into their films. Team Smokin' Joe & The Jesus Fish won top honors with their film "Capably Able Man - Redemption." A film about a tired and burned out super hero long past the days of fighting crime who is called upon to rise to his former glory one last time. Watch the film below. Also the 2014 project again threw a "Curve Ball" requirement where this time teams were tasked to create "Vines." These short random pieces of footage were later edited together to create the 3rd Annual Columbia Gorge Film Project Vine Compilation. Watch that below as well.